Our first video:

realMedia download (we don't have a server set up yet) - 56k modem or less (12 Mb)

divx download - recommended cable/isdn (27 Mb)

I've removed the large versions of the  video files because, well, they're large.
I'll have a more compact file size up soon, hopefully with the same quailty. If you order the Alphomega CD, I'll include a CD-R with the large video formats and MP3 versions of the CD, free!

 download Real Player   download DIVX player
  download Windows player
download QuickTime

comments and hosting offers

coming soon...
Urban Myth
Homo Consumerus

about the video
The Lizard video was made for a budget of zero (0) dollars.

I had taped the trilogy of shows in 2000, and the cd release party in June. I wanted to capture their wild live show, plus I wanted to see if I still had my editing chops (I am a former film student.)

I used my good freind Paul's VHS camera, and captured it to an ATI card, so it is obviously not broadcast quality. It was assembled on a friend's Premiere system.

The band made synching up the footage a piece of cake, what with their amazing consistency in tempo over four very different performance conditions. All effects are intentionally cheezy, as is the main charcter in the song.
Please let me know what you think!
- mike mclean -